Health Entrepreneurship Program

The pivotal role of the Health Entrepreneurship Program in our startup's evolution.

At HIGO TECHS, we're all about pushing the boundaries of digital solutions for trans health. Part of that drive comes from a commitment to continuous learning and development. In 2022-2023, our CEO, Aurélien Honoré, took on an exciting challenge by joining the DU HEP (Health Entrepreneurship Program) by Eurasanté in partnership with the University of Lille.

Les Diplômes Universitaires Health Entrepreneurship Program et Entreprendre  en Silver économie - Eurasanté

Embracing Learning for Innovation

The DU HEP program was a golden opportunity to dive deeper into the entrepreneurial side of the health industry. Designed to equip professionals with advanced skills and insights, this course is essential for navigating the intricate world of health tech. Aurélien's goal was clear: to ensure HIGO TECHS stays at the forefront of innovation. The program covered everything from regulatory affairs to clinical research and market strategies, all crucial for shaping our flagship product, Transminder.

Building Stronger Connections

A significant perk of the DU HEP program is the chance to connect with industry leaders, experts, and fellow innovators. These interactions have sparked valuable connections that fuel our growth and development. The relationships formed during this time are not just beneficial for us but also for the broader trans health community. Collaboration and knowledge sharing are key to creating impactful solutions.

Commitment to Excellence

Our drive for excellence is at the core of everything we do. The insights and skills Aurélien gained from the DU HEP program are already being put to use, ensuring we deliver innovative, effective, and user-focused solutions for our community.

Looking Forward

As we continue to grow, our mission to enhance the lives of trans individuals through cutting-edge digital solutions remains steadfast. We're excited about the future and the positive impact we can make together.

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For more information about our initiatives and updates, visit our website or reach out directly. Your feedback and engagement are always welcome.

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